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Trilogy Production Priority in 2021

Posted by Oliver Simonsen on

Latitude 64°, Dynamic Discs and Westside Discs combined is branded as Trilogy. Latitude 64° produces all the discs for all three brands, making it super easy choose any disc from any of the Trilogy brands.

Due to exponential growth in disc golf in 2020, all the disc golf manufacturers saw much of the their warehouse stock fall to pretty much nothing, which means they now have to play catch up, to the demand and growth of disc golf.

Latitude 64° has hired many new members of staff and increased their production capacity tremendously in their attempt to keep up.

It's impossible for Latitude 64° to continue producing all the discs at the same rate and volumes, while keeping up with demand of all the orders, which is why they have announce which discs they will be prioritising for production in 2021.

Our aim at London Disc Golf Community is to stock them all for you as they become available. Join our facebook group Trilogy Wish List by LondonDGC to stay up to date on availability, request discs and more.

Latitude 64° prioritising for production in 2021.

Dynamic Discs prioritising for production in 2021.

Westside Discs prioritising for production in 2021.

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